
Plan a Visit

All are welcome to join us for worship Sundays at 10am. Our services are a mix of traditional liturgy and hymns and caring fellowship in our warm sanctuary. Worship is intended to be a centering ritual to guide our work throughout the week. This is a time and space to bring joy, sadness, questions, doubts, and to

  • gather
  • grow, and
  • give thanks.

Greeters and ushers will be waiting to welcome you and answer any questions you have when you arrive. Feel free to ask someone around you a question at any point during the service as well. Most of the songs we sing can be found in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, the red hymnal available in the pews, and we invite you to please sing and participate in worship as you feel comfortable.

We offer communion every week and believe Christ’s table is one of welcome. Everyone is invited to join in communion. Whether for communion, coffee hour, or a potluck, all our tables are open. If you have questions about communion or would prefer for you or your children to receive a blessing, that is fine too. For those unable to proceed forward during communion, communion will be brought to you in the pews.

After worship, everyone is invited to join in coffee and conversation in the Fellowship Hall.

Children are always welcome to stay in the sanctuary during worship. There are activity bags available in the narthex for children.